Tessera Ltd

All Cases


Client: NTSA/Safaricom
Industry: Telecommunications/Transportation


Creative Design
Social Media Content
Video Development
Content Calendar

In Kenya, road traffic crashes remain the leading cause of claiming lives and hospitalization. An estimated 4000 people die on our roads every year while many more are seriously injured. Most of them are in their prime (15-45 years). Human behaviour including over-speeding, driving under the influence, reckless driving, and more recently DISTRACTED DRIVING BECAUSE OF MOBILE PHONE USE account for 80% of these accidents.

Our goal was clear: to urge drivers to prioritize safety over distractions. Understanding these deadly consequences, we embarked on a mission to shift behaviour gears and save lives. We understood that while mobile phones offered convenience and connectivity, they also posed a grave threat on the roads, especially during holiday periods.

A time when people adopt a laxer attitude as they celebrate the end-year break. A time when people connected and kept in touch with their loved ones. We needed to instil a sense of responsibility and safety among drivers across Kenya.

Our execution of the campaign ‘No Phone Zone’ was strategic yet emotive. We positioned Safaricom and NTSA as champions of road safety by leveraging their widespread reach and authority respectively.

To effectively change the ingrained behaviour of using mobile phones while driving, we developed an emotive campaign that aimed to educate audiences about the dangers of distracted driving and effective ways to avoid it. We used relatable scenarios to appeal to the driver’s sense of safety and asked them to be Smart Drivers.